Post by arkmom on Sept 7, 2007 8:49:14 GMT -5
Ok - I have looked through out the forum and I couldn't find the answer to my question, when I do the zip code offer and I enter my zip, then it takes me to the shipping screen - I enter my information there - when I get back to the Squishycash side, do I input my zip code for the credit?
Post by MoneyBunny on Sept 7, 2007 10:27:42 GMT -5
Yes, correct. If you used your zip code, you submit your zip code. Just make sure to still use a unique email address.
Post by ashkenoshnof on Oct 15, 2007 19:12:49 GMT -5
So, say we're blind enough to not have read this thread and incorrectly entered our email address into the field for these zip offers... how can we change it to our zip code? And is there a way to "undo" pending offers. I know you can delete them, but does that mean you can't ever redeem them?
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Me and my Steffi
Posts: 200
Post by younggram on Oct 20, 2007 7:11:25 GMT -5
So, say we're blind enough to not have read this thread and incorrectly entered our email address into the field for these zip offers... how can we change it to our zip code? And is there a way to "undo" pending offers. I know you can delete them, but does that mean you can't ever redeem them? As to the first question i dont know..but..the second one I do know and that is yes. When you delete a pending offer, it goes back into the system so that you can do it again. I have had many of my pendings go through on a second and sometimes a 3rd try.
Post by MoneyBunny on Oct 20, 2007 11:20:42 GMT -5
Also, some times it might go through anyways. I'd still give it a 3-day wait to see if it doesn't approve. Offers are also tracked by a few other things, not just the Login-ID you submitted (such as your IP address and SquishyCash username I think). It just makes it a lot easier for the owner to track it this way.
Post by ashkenoshnof on Oct 20, 2007 22:51:59 GMT -5
Thanks for the help, guys